Arren was unique. I was lucky enough (?) to be working in his same office for 7 months, which was an experience like no other. Usually I worked with my headphones on because Arren would talk a lot to himself, on the phone or to other members of the group. However, one day there were not so many people in the office and I heard a weird noise, like a high pitched sound, but I didn't know where it was coming from. I took my headphones off and that sound became very loud, and only then I realized it was Arren staring at his computer screen while humming the ultimate DIVA song "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. I laughed a lot internally and admired having such a diva for a boss. I wanted to share a nice, fun memory of him. There are a lot of thoughts here already expressing how good of a scientist and a person he was, so I didn't want to do the same. Lots of love for everyone ;)